Mdm Soh, aged 92, was referred to FaithActs after experiencing severe depression following a failed eye surgery that left her with impaired vision. Struggling with feelings of isolation and overwhelming suicidal thoughts, she confided in her social worker, expressing that she no longer found meaning in life. Her despair led to a suicide attempt, but after this incident, Mdm Soh was moved to an assisted living apartment where caregivers provided her with daily support, including meals and medication.
FaithActs played a pivotal role in her journey toward healing. A dedicated team of befrienders regularly visited her, offering emotional support, and her social worker brought her essential supplies, such as diapers, as she was largely bedridden. Initially, Mdm Soh felt she had no one to rely on, but over time, the regular visits and interactions with caregivers and fellow seniors helped her regain a sense of community. Today, she enjoys social interactions within the assisted living environment, and her FaithActs social worker continues to visit, offering her ongoing encouragement and support.